Posted by:
at Sun Dec 30 09:02:56 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Pepper ]
I am just distraught. It has come to my attention that the gift I sent to my Secret Santa never arrived at it's destination. I just feel so awful as I mailed it in a very timely fashion and was certain the name and address were correct. I can not explain why it did not arrive!!
But to my Secret Santa recepient (Sue), I offer my apologies for some kind of mix-up and assure you that it had to have been the post office's fault. Bummer!!
Please, know that I will send another gift to you soon as I don't want you to think I would be so unkind or forgetful.
Sincerely, Pepper's Mom-Joolie in St. Louis
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A profound apology! To Sue.... - Pepper, Sun Dec 30 09:02:56 2012 