Posted by:
at Sun Dec 30 14:57:39 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Pepper ]
You tell youse mommy that I still so sorry that this happened whether it be my fault or not. Perhaps the original gift will eventually show up ~ or not ~ but please tell her that I am going out shopping tomorrow and will put another replacement gift in the snail mail soon. Will you please email me your address so that just in case I had it wrong when I sent the first gift, that I do not make the mistake again.
Please look for a gift/package in about one week's time. I am glad that you let me know that my first gift did not arrive. I would not have thought you rude to not say something about the gift but glad you let me know. It was my fault not to have insured it, I guess. I usually do not have problems with snail mail/post office but as you say, these things do occasionally happen. I just sorry it happened to you.. (and me).
Love, Mom-Joolie =^..^=
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