Posted by:
at Fri Jan 11 18:51:47 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cannonbawlfranci ]
a shnowbawll hits hur in da back dead on. she whirls awound to shee who nailed hur an sees Jojo and Caleb...she takes aim an tosses one shnowbawll affur anuffur at dem. But den she gets hit again fwumd da backkkkk..akkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, I ish cawt in a cwoss fire! She tosses shnowballs rite an left till she ish owt uf amunition...akkkkkkkkkkkkkk...Willow ducks down behind da walls uf hur fort an gwabs da fwag uf twuce, a wite banner on a pole a big pikshure uf a cup uf hot chocorate on it....ok, she cawlls, waffin da fwag high, yu gots me....who wants hot chocorate an cookies? -----
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