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New Beginings

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Posted by: cannonbawlfranci at Thu Apr 25 19:20:24 2013  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cannonbawlfranci ]  

Caleb sits at da tabul finising his bweakfasht. "Jojo," he meows, "now dat spwing has spwung, I fink it time to get stwarted wurkin on da fawrmhouse. I'm gonna head owt der an check it owt an see wat we needs to get stawrted."

"ok, deer. How bout at lunchtime I bwing sum sammiches anstuff offur an we can haff a picnic."

"Dat wood be gweat, we can take a walk an check owt da orchard."

Swallowing off da lasht uf his coffee, Caleb smooches Jojo on da cheek an heads owt da door. He gwabs his toolbox fwum da back porch an climbs into his picumup twuck.

Akwoss da woad fwum Clover Blossom Farm he twurns into da drive uf da old rundown farm he and Jojo bought lasht year. He parks in fwunt uf da fawrmhouse an climbs owt uf da twuck, stopping to look offur da acres da two uf dem own. Wiff a gwin he opuns da door to da owld fawrmhouse an goes inside. "Well," he meows to hisownself, "da furst fing to do ish go fwoo awl da stuff in heer an shee wat ish usabul an wat needs to go to da dump. He wanders fwoo da liffing woom. Wat a gweat fwirepwace, he finks, envishuning cozy winter evenings before a bwazing fire wit Jojo. He goes back owt to da hawll an enters da next woom, it seems to be a dining woom. In da center ish a huge owld mahogany tabul. He wooks it offur to see if it can be safed. Hmm, take sum wurk but I fink it can, an da buffay too. He passes thwoo anuffur door into da adjoing kitshun. Oh my doodness, wat a mess. Wooks wike dis gonna haff to be stwipped bare. He pwulls a notebook fwum his pocket an makes some notes. He pwulls opun a cupboard door an ish supwised to see it fwilled wit dishes, anuffur howlds pots an pans, an dwawers hold silfur ware an utensils. Efferyfing wooks furry owld...Anuffur door leads to a dood sized pantwy, also fwilled wit bins an cwokery. Efferyfing ish dusty an dirty but offurwise wooks in dood condishun...doodness, wunner why dey lefted awll dis stuff behind. Caleb sees anuffur door at da back uf da pantwy an opuns it. Stairs leed down. Haff to wait till I haff a lite to go down der he finks closing da door an going back into da kitshun. Anuffur door leads into da hall an he continues his exploration. He finds a library, da shelfs still fwilled wit books an a luffly owld libwary table sits at one end. At da offur ish anuffur firepwace wit wat were once cosy chairs in fwont uf it. One more room at da end uf da hawll, wat seems to be a small den. An old roll top deshk is da main feature. Caleb twies to open it an wit a skweel da top wolls back. Inside, da cubby holes awr filled wit papers an books. Der ish a blotter an pens an ink bottle. dis ish furry stwange. Finally he goes back down da hawll to da stair case an stwarts up. On da second fwoor are fife bedrooms. He looks kwickly into each one an sees dat da beds are made up wit owld moldy linens. der awr cwose in da cwosits an chests uf dwawers. In da baffwoom der ish soap on da sink an towels hangin on a towel bar. Finally , Caleb goes back down stairs an owt da door. He sits on da porch to think bout wat he fownd. I dunno, he meows to hisownself. Its wike dey jusht walked owt da door one day an neffur came back..wunner wat happened..
Franci, Oreo, Caleb, Willow and Tita


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