Posted by:
at Wed May 8 18:54:40 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cannonbawlfranci ]
Willow wandurs owt to da porch in surch uf a breeze. Summer has hit da Village wit fwull force. She gwances at da furmometer by da door, "wow, 84, but dat ish in da sun. Sthill it onwy May." She sits down on da swing wit a big gwass uf catnip tea. "Sighhhhh, I'm sho bored an it too hot to do anyfing." She pwulls owt hur Japanese papur fan an swings it gently in fwunt uf hur face as she wooks akwoss da yard an at da stweet. Pwetty shoon she sees Jojo wanduring along. "Hey, Jojo, come on up. Ware ya off to", Willow cawlls. Jojo klimbs da porch stephs an sits down nexsht to Willow. "Oh, I jusht had to do sum shopping an fawt I wood take a wittul stwool, but it weally too warm."
"Yeah, it furry warm fur May. Hey, I gots a idea, Jojo. Lets get da guys an go owt to da riffur. Bet der a dood bweeze der!
Da gurls jump in Willows wittul runabout an head off thwoo da village, cawlling owt to efferyfur dey see to come on owt to da Catnip Riffur fur da affurnoon.... -----
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Summertiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmm - cannonbawlfranci, Wed May 8 18:54:40 2013