Posted by:
at Thu Sep 26 10:02:57 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by topazerules ]
Deer Cuddles
I understand about dat shredding. Da lady STILL has some cardboard boxes frum our moov here, and I WUV to shred da corners. Sumtimes, she turrns dem around so I can get a corner I missed. She haz to sweep up and haz eben brought home a couple of boxes so I hav more to wurrk on.
I heer dat da kit befur me waz locked in da pumphouse furr a few hours and when da man went to find hurr, it wooked wike dere waz SNOW in dere. She had shredded da panels of foamboard insulation all around!!!
Your Mommy iz smart to fink ov cuvvering da new paper, being you don't wike it. Maybe, dere wuz a loose edge of dat old stuff, dat got you started.
Dese hoomins, dey need to be more considerate ov our tastes, needs and wants. Yesterday, da Lady wuz trying to wurrk wiv some really cushy pink fleece baby bwanket cloth, so naturally, *I* had to lie down on it. I mean, when dere iz sumfin soft spread out, it makes a kitty bed, right? SHE didn't see it dat way, so she had to do "wurrk-around" da kit. What else?
Okay, efurrykit take care. Cuddles, wait furr da inspection befurr making anee kind ov moove. And better wait furr da covver-up, KWIM? Know Whut I meen?
PS Cuddles, dat pic uv you in da window iz wike ME, at the window back uv da Lady's sewing machine. Lately, dere are more, and LOUDER, geese at da pond down in back uv us. Drool...
Wuv and all dat frumm Topaze in da Sunny Souf & da Lady
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