Posted by:
at Mon Oct 19 12:25:32 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by markg ]
You received this boa in April, and it was really tiny? With rosies being born in Aug or Sep, one would think a baby would be a bit more sizeable by April. I am just going on your words when you said it was tiny.
I have babies that were born this Aug. They are big enough for fuzzies easily. I have Ariz, Baja, Sonora and California locales. Just giving you an idea of size.
Before you throw in the towel, here are some suggestions:
>Warm end: 83-84 deg (babies do not need warmer) >Cool end: Less than 80 (down to 65) >Substrate: Soft pine shavings like 1/2 inch deep to burrow. No, pine is not bad. Aspen is fine to use too. >Hide: Just some newspaper or similar paper over the substrate. >Water: Once a week at most for 24 hrs. That is it. More often if the ambient humidity is low, otherwise do not keep water more than 24 hrs.
Too much local humidity for more than a few days is not good for rosies. Babies are more sensitive.
>Food: Rosy babies prefer fuzzies over pinkies, or rat pinks over mouse pinks. They can handle the size typically.
What kind of rosy??? - I had a litter of trivirgata from Baja some years ago, and those things would not feed for anything. I finally cooled them from Oct-Feb. They started eating in Feb with gusto. So that is something else you can try.
Lastly, I don't know Backwater, but I have heard some stuff. Rosies are sensitive snakes (but when kept correctly - e.g. no high humidity, no super cold temps) - they are very strong and robust captives). If the snake was not kept correctly from the beginning, well, you can get this. Or maybe you got a weak one, but then why would they ship a snake that was not in good condition (unless they really do not care..)?
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