Posted by:
at Wed Dec 9 16:13:00 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mischa_LVL ]
I apologize for sounding like a novice- in advance. Here are my questions.
1. Is there a way rig a radiant heat panel, CPU fan, and fogger so that ventilation, humidity, and temperature are proportionally controlled from one unit?
2. Zoo Med HygroTherm Humidity and Temperature Controller- anyone like them? I'm thinking I could run these to control humidity and the fan, and use a larger PC thermostat to control the radiant panels or flexwatt.
3. Is it possible/safe to use more than one radiant panel on a single Helix or HerpStat?
If you're wondering, proud mom of 1 adult ball pythons, 2 juvenile ball pythons, one Columbian tegu, and one russian tortoise. I'm looking to upgrade husbandry in their display cages.
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