Posted by:
at Mon Feb 15 05:23:53 2016 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by leonhartboas ]
Long story short, I am probably going to be on disability. I have decided to make my favorite hobby into a small business.
I bought in december two 5 year old brazilian rainbow boas from another breeder. He said they are confirmed male/female breeding pair, he just needs to downsize. He also said the female was currently in ovulation and all I needed to do was put them in a tank together and they should have babies in April.
Well they have been together since december. Mom had a post ovulation shed I believe. She is looking a bit "fat", but since this is my first time breeding I wanted to know if anyone knew of a guide on how to breed boas. I want everything from how to get her into her next cycle in a year of two after this clutch. I'd like to know how to tell she is pregnant, when can I take her into the vet to do an xray to confirm she is pregnant. is it best to remove dad for a few days then reintroduce him for the best chance of mating or is it best to let the two live together the whole time?
I've tried contacting a few breeders and nobody seems to want to give any help. For those worried about if I know what I am getting into, yes I already have 5 buyers waiting for my first clutch to be born and 3 local pet stores who are willing to take in quite a few babies to "resell" if I should not be able to find homes for everyone. I also have converted an old bookshelf to house each baby individually with index cards for labeling sheds/eating. I've also been freezing pinky mice from my breeders to make sure I have a large supply of food when the babies come. I've pretty much got the baby part done, its GETTING the babies I'm having trouble with.
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