Posted by:
at Tue May 10 13:00:50 2016 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by markg ]
Easy way: heat whole room to about 82 for colubrids. Actually works well for general keeping experience, even if it is limiting.
More complex way: Keep room at more of a "room temp" below 78 deg, then have a heater on each cage. This requires thermostats on cages - at least one tstat for a few cages, unless it is the exact same heater device, like a strip of heat tape, then do a whole row or two (do not exceed the wattage rating of the tstat - actually best to go no more than 70% of rated wattage = longer life).
Best way I know of: Oil filled radiator room heater. Relatively inexpensive, heats very well and gently, does not cycle much, you can easily use a Johnson or Ranco thermostat as a backup thermostat in case of overtemp. That is how I would do it. Safe, easy. You could do exotics with that setup if you wanted.
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