Posted by:
at Wed May 18 22:51:36 2016 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by doctorowl ]
Hey guys,
I came here looking for a few answers, I know this place is popular with snake enthusiasts and I hope to become one soon
I've been wanting a snake for several years now but haven't seriously considered it until recently. My fiance and I went down to our small local/family owned shop and looked at their cal king (about 3 yrs old, male) and also a young female ball python (a beautiful pastel!!!) and we're torn between which one to get. As first time snake owners, although I do have experience with reptiles and animals in general- and of course I've done loads of research... but I just cannot decide between the two.
My fiance is attached to the cal king, and here's why. It's a bit weird...
The reptile guy swears up and down that this snake was 100% friendly and peaceful, until he moved it into a smaller tank temporarily, and then it started biting him. Except it's NOT aggressive. I myself handled this snake and he is the sweetest thing. The problem is he just keeps biting! It's like he thinks everything is food- hands, his own tail. He's a bit of a dingbat. I honestly think he's hilarious, he's VERY polite about it, he doesn't hiss or snap or anything. He just sniffs you, opens his mouth very slowly and goes, "I'm going to eat you now..." and gently bites. I just redirected him every time and I didn't get bit. My fiance did, and the little guy clamped on and had to be run under cold water for a minute, but he let go. Neither of us are afraid of him and we both think he's kind of funny haha. But as a first time snake owner, I am wondering if this is considered ok? The guy says it's a new behavior and he's working on handling him more and trying to teach him that people's hands are not food. Again this snake is NOT aggressive, he's just a dope.
My other option is that beautiful lesser pastel, but it was young (maybe 8-10 inches) and VERY shy. He only had her for about a week so she wasn't interested in being held. Poor little girl! She stayed in a ball the whole time. I know ball pythons are notoriously shy, and I personally love the idea of a quiet, laid back kinda snake, but they have higher care requirements and I'm worried I'll mess up somehow. He said she had eaten once in the week she's been here (meanwhile that cal king is eating voraciously every 5-6 days) so maybe she'll be alright? I know balls can be picky and I dunno what to do if they won't eat. How do you MAKE them eat? Just wait I guess?
SO I guess I'm wondering if it's between an idiot kingsnake who likes to nom people (but I'm sure this behavior can be fixed) and a very shy little ball python, what would you guys recommend? Or is it really just up to me to decide? sorry for the long post haha. Thanks in advance
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