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at Sat Jun 11 14:30:13 2016 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Ysabet ]
Hey; new member here. I have a couple of bearded dragons, one of which is female and who periodically lays a clutch of infertile eggs. This is normal; they do that without issues, though you always need to keep their calcium levels up when it's happening. I also have five corn snakes and one Variable Kingsnake, which I've only had for two weeks, and my question is: can I give the fresh eggs to my kingsnake to eat? He's healthy and active but way too thin-- the owner who the petshop got him from didn't feed him properly and I'm trying to give him plenty of nutrition. Right now I have him on a hopper mouse every 7 days, supplementing with a mid-week pinky; he eats *everything* like he's starving and has already gained a few grams. So, would these infertile eggs make good supplemental feeding? Might as well use them instead of flushing them down the toilet! Thanks.
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Can king snakes eat bearded dragon eggs? - Ysabet, Sat Jun 11 14:30:13 2016