Posted by:
at Sat Jan 7 17:37:28 2017 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by charlescory ]
Thanks TG. Appreciate your feedback. Yes, I use all the tricks: braining, scenting, lizard skins or tails, tease feeding etc. I just brought them up from a 6 week brumation and 4 of the 25 are now on pinks and another 3 have eaten scented. You are probably right that not ALL are going to flip and I may lose a few. I can get them ALL to take a house gex or lizard tail but I can't sell an animal like this as most buyers don't have access or the interest in feeding lizards. As far as being inheritable, you may be right. My question still remains however, I wonder if I have "imprinted" them now on lizards, obviously the preferred meal instead of being patient and just offering pinks when they were 4-6 weeks old?
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