Posted by:
at Tue Feb 20 07:09:54 2018 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by nickyminaj ]
I now have two 9-month old dsh with me. They've settled in well, and they were eating fine (mixture of wet and dry as in their previous household). The past two days, the more confident one, who had a great appetite, has lost all interest in food. He seems hungry, and comes looking for food but turns his nose up and walks away. He's also a lot quieter than he has been. We went to the vet for a check up last week and they got a good bill of health. Could it just be that he's bored of the food? Might he be I'll with no other symptoms? Is it a good idea to chop and change their food?
Any idea?
Please help. Thanks!
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
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