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at Wed Feb 21 00:35:36 2018 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by williepete07 ]
So I have been out of the reptile world for some time now since I was living in Hawaii (did have a couple of wild Jackson chameleons that decided to make a home in my backyard for a while though). Now that I am free to own nearly whatever I want I decided to get a young beardie. Had one in the past but had to sell him when I got orders for Hawaii. Other than that I have had red tail boas, a savanna monitor, ball pythons, leopard geckos (bred them for a while for s and gigs), prehensile skink, and mali uros. Anyhow I wanted to do a fully natural display tank for this little guy and this excavator clay looked pretty legit. Also I remember having a tub of it or something like it for the uros to dig in years ago and they loved it. I setup the tank last Friday morning FEB 16th. Let it dry under a heat lamp for 3 days and most of the day Monday until I introduced the beardie. Needless to say the is still wet and making humidity sky rocket. Question is how long does this take to dry!? Had to evict my daughters hermit crabs to a lowes bucket so the beardie had a place to stay that wasn't so humid. I did use quite a bit... 30lbs for a 20gallon tank (yes I know the thing will need a bigger tank and yes I know the risk of impaction. I have had every reptile I own, except the boas, on regular substrate and never had an impaction issue so not to worried about it). If this stuff takes a week plus to dry every time I have to clean the cage out its going to be a headache. I would appreciate anyone's experience with it, whether it be success or failure, and any tips for future use. Thought about molding coated mesh wire and layering the clay on top so it isn't as thick to help reduce the drying time. Any thoughts?
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