Posted by:
at Sun Jan 12 15:37:02 2020 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Buffysmom ]
Thanks so much. They’ve been eating some about once a week for the last month. I have everything the ways you suggest except their heat sources are from below. I’ve had to separate all 3 into their own enclosures due to aggression & am unable to provide heat from above One goes into her water on her own a lot, the other 2 I place in their water every morning. They are peeing & pooping a bit nearly every day in their waters. ----- 1.1 Blue Tongue Skinks Indigo, Azure 1.1 Bearded Dragons J.J. & Missy 1.1 Eastern Box Turtles Squirtle & Yurtle 1.1 Pacman Frogs Tilicum & Buffy the Cricket Slayer 0.0.1 European Green Toad Lucy 0.0.1 Red Eyed Tree Frog Scarlet 0.0.1 Green Tree Frog Verde 0.1.2 Mossy Frogs Kate Mossy, Oau & Tortula 0.1 Tiger Salamander Sally 1.1 Firebelly Newts Wayne Newton & Thandie Newton 3.1 Cats Baxter, Jasper, Gibson & Zoe

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