Posted by:
at Fri Dec 19 15:23:46 2003 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Sillygirl ]
I agree, even though I do not own a Leo, I hear they can be quite tame to handling after a while.
What I do know from experience is Anoles. Do Not Get One for a child. They are not tame, the do not want to be held, they are quick as lightening and will escape and then they are a booger to catch (I keep a butterfly net for the ones that jump out while I'm cleaning their terrarium). They are also very expensive lizards to get set up properly (even though they are cheap to buy), they are prone to so much stress, it's not funny and 10 gallon in my opinion is too small for all but one adult. If I had known then what I do now, I would have NEVER gotten into Anoles, they are beautiful and cool to watch but a LOT of work. Go with the Leo or get her hooked on corn snakes. Now those I highly recommend for children because they are so tame, easy to care for and just the sweetest prettiest loveable snakes there are (which is probably why I own 5).
Good luck.
----- Chantel a.k.a. sillygirl "I came, I saw, I adopted"
2.4.0 green anoles (Stumpy (M)), and the rest remain nameless. 2.2.0 green tree frogs (Romeo & Juliet, Bonnie & Clyde) 0.0.3 D. tinctorius (Cobalt froglets) 0.1 Anerythristic 'B' (Charcoal)corn snake (Popcorn) 0.1 Snow Corn (KandyKorn) 0.2 Amel Corns (KornSilk & KornMuffin) 0.0.1 Normal Corn (PepperKorn) 0.0.1 Giant African Millipede 2.4 Domestic house cats (Bad Boy (m), Bart(m),Sasha(F),Little Bit(F),Spirit(F) 1.0 Rottweiler (Jake) 1.2 Rats (new additions with no names yet) 1.0 Husband (David, who loves all my critters too)
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