Posted by:
at Sat Mar 6 01:00:57 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by WW ]
>>Now here's an interesting point. >>If WW was so confident in his data and conclusions, why then did he rush to print BEFORE his data was evaluated by other recognised experts in the said taxa and (so I've been told) actually tell the said editor NOT to have the paper reviewed by relevant experts prior to going to print?
Ray, if I had the slightest worry about anyone taking you seriously, I would be talking to my lawyer about this. However, since there is no risk of that, I'll have a chuckle instead.
I'm always flattered at the power and influence you ascribes to me. Equally, I am always flabbergasted at your complete ignorance of how scientific publishing actually works (although I shouldn't be, since you have never published a serious scientific paper in your life).
For your information, the paper was reviewed by two RELEVANT EXPERTS (your words). The editors obviously considered you neither relevant nor an expert. Deal with it.
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