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at Wed May 5 09:14:23 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by frankentrina ]
Thanks...I was using all that pH-decreaser before i put the limestone rocks in. I really haven't used it that much since. My mom replaces 2/3 of her tank water about once a month or so...whenever its nasty and needs cleaning and has never used any kind of chemicals in it, and hasnt had any problems, and the last few times i cleaned my tank, all I added was the chlorine stuff, and they did just fine.
I'll probably find someone with a koi pond or something eventually if I can't keep him. I know he really shouldn't be released to the wild, like she was wanting to do, which is why I offered to take him. At least in someone's backyard pond, he will be safe from predators and can get fed. plus a lot of people have heaters in them anyway so the fish dont freeze in winter.
Its an eastern spiny softshell, local around here, but a lot of pet shops sell local fauna. I always see Gulf coast toads, green anoles, and red-ear sliders at a local exotic shop. I got a few ghost shrimp and some small feeder goldfish at walmart. Just the plain-looking ones you buy for your oscars or whoever. I put a couple in with the turtle, and he ate one. I will get my sis to get some minnows for me, and if she still has her tadpoles, or if they haven't already turned into frogs. She had them a few weeks ago and they were already budding legs, so they may be frogs by now.
The guy who was helping us with the fish at walmart told us to hold the bag over our heads so the fish didnt get irradiated by the theft detector things you walk through, and it would make the fish sick, and then the turtle sick if he ate them. I've never heard of this in my life, and no-one else has ever told us that. I think that guy was just full of BS, and he didn't know what he was talking about anyway, cuz he was telling us the pacus got ick that way, that the hair algae in the tanks was baby plants from a half-eaten amazon sword that was in one tank, and some other BS about the snails in the tanks. I never heard of those scanners using radiation, and if it did that to the fish, wouldn't it harm us? or "irradiate" the food we're buying there and make us sick? crazy guy.
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