Posted by:
at Tue Jun 29 12:09:30 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rserling ]
On Sunday it was warm, maybe 95 outside and mid 80s inside. My 3-year-old Variable King, Muffin, had been opaque and curled motionless in her hidebox for several days. Tried to feed her but no go. After removing the uneaten mouse, I left the small door in the screen top open, thinking I'd try again later. Well I went to bed around 11pm, forgetting about the top door. When I awoke at 6am, the tank contained a lovely shed skin and no snake. So I left for work Monday, making sure the 2 cats were out. Monday was another hot day. That evening I looked everywhere I could think of, particularly concerned about the hole into the crawlspace under the kitchen stove. As dusk fell and the air cooled off, I started regular patrols every 15-20 minutes, around all the likely spots in the house. On the third patrol, I noticed one of the cats showing intense interest in the bookcase in the room where the snakes live. There was Muffin, under the bookcase. She had apparently found a very secure hiding spot where I couldn't find her, very close to the cage she escaped from, and stayed there during the heat (light?) of the day. When it got dark she started moving about, at which time she probably wasn't likely to get far without alerting the cat.
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