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RE: Boa constrictors

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Posted by: b1r2s at Fri Aug 27 21:40:52 2004  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by b1r2s ]  

well i just kinda did that off the top of my head.

Paul, you're right, I messed up a bit, did this in my head in the middle of a db server rebuild

In the het to albino cross it would be 50 albino/50 het albino, sorry.

In a double het to double het pairing you'll end up with 16 genotypes (actually 9 genotypes, 16 genetic pair combinations)filtering out the duplicates), (we'll call hypo/normal H/h and normal/albino A/a)
1/16*100=6.25% So, each genetic pair combination will account for 6.25% of the offspring.

HHAA (Super hypo Albino = 6.25%)
HHAa or HHaA (Super hypo het albino = 12.5%)
HHaa (Super hypo no albino = 6.25%
HhAA or hHAA (Hypo Albino = 12.5%)
HhAa or hHAa or HhaA or hHaA (Hypo het albino = 25%)
Hhaa or hHaa (Hypo normal = 12.5%)
hhAA (Normal albino = 6.25%)
hhAa or hhaA (Normal het albino = 12.5%)
hhaa (Pure Normal 6.25%)

4 phenotypes (There is no visual difference between hypo and super hypo).

Hypo albino = 18.75%
Hypo normal = 62.5%
normal albino = 6.25%
normal = 18.75%

The punnet square on this is what throws people off... it's easier to look at it as I did than do a punnet square... I'll show the punnet squares for all of the situations i listed before.

dbl het x super hypo albino
parents| HA | HA |
Ha | HHAa | HHAa |
hA | HhAA | HhAA |
ha | HhAa | HhAa |

dbl het x dbl het (this square is a bit ugly)

parents | HA | Ha | hA | ha |

HA | HHAA | HHAa | HhAA | HhAa |

Ha | HHaA | HHaa | HhaA | Hhaa |

hA | hHAA | hHaa | hhAA | hhAa |

ha | hHaA | hHaa | hhaA | hhaa |

(You have no idea how many times I just wrote "haha" instead of hhaa, etc Also, typically you'd never write something like hHaA, dominant trait (Hypo is dominant to normal, normal is dominant to albino) should always be first. I do it to show inheritance.)

Het x albino
(I'm leaving in the hypo gene in this, just to keep it consistant)
parents | hA | hA |

hA | hhAA | hhAA |

ha | hhAa | hhaA |


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>> Next Message:  Your figures check with mine. n/p - Paul Hollander, Sat Aug 28 08:38:08 2004

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