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RE: Ahhhhh petco

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Posted by: ShadyLane at Fri Oct 1 04:08:35 2004  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ShadyLane ]  

Petco is a never ending battle. I used to work there for 3 years. So I know the good and the horrable. Alot of the time at petco the workers want to help the animals so much, but corpt never gives them enough hours to get things done or enough money to take them to the vet. Animals expecially reptiles are just sent to the store without the store knowing until they have already arrived so they have no place for them. About 95% of the reptiles at petco are wild caught so there already sick before the even get to the store or when they do get to the store the start to get sick. Petco doesnt get to pick where they get there animals. But i do agree they need to pick up there dead animals out of there cages that have been there for almost a week!!! Ive heard corpt saying Petco doesnt make money off of the reptiles they only make money of the reptile products that people buy. Boycot that then!! Im not sticking up for petco by all means im just letting you know what happens at big petstore vs. smaller ones. Smaller ones they can pick there animals and dont have to go according to plan a gram Little petshops can have more time to take care of smaller live stock. Ideal small petstore wont order more animals then they can handle.HA!! But I have went into horrably petstore worst than petco. If you really want a # to call and feel this stronge about it then call 1-888-824-PALS(7257) (Monday - Friday: 7am - 6pm PST) and just for kicks where do you live??? Oh yea the thing about peta is that they deal with petco so much its not even funny. I know what petco is like and how much hell it can be, but ive seen peta to some crappy things that were not called for in petco as well as other places. Anyways, im just rambling i dont care for petco or peta! Deathco smells and peta is crazy.

Good luck
Shady Lane
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>> Next Message:  You guys think PETA is the answer? - meretseger, Sat Oct 16 12:54:50 2004
>> Next Message:  RE: Ahhhhh petco - beardielover13, Sun Mar 27 01:10:42 2005

<< Previous Message:  RE: i second that - beardielover13, Mon Sep 27 21:02:09 2004