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RE: Theres a large point your missing Jody

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Posted by: FR at Wed Sep 29 12:34:22 2004  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]  

Please let me be nasty, ok i will, thank you.

You and I and many others, Know, percieve to know, recognize, that many of the different localities types are indeed different. We do know this thru practice. Don't we? We know this, because we experience these types in comparable conditions. You know, right next to eachother. We hatch them, raise them, breed them, therefore see the difference.

The problem with the people you are having this discussion with is, they do not have the ability to express the differences. They do not have the expertise or experience needed, to make those comparisions. So, you and I, are arguing with the wind. A wind that keeps changing directions.

We already said, ALBIGS are indeed albigs(the tree), but there are many kinds of albigs
(the branches). They do not seem to be able to recognize that the tree has branches. The reason is simple, they do not know how to recognize that.

Its really difficult and dangerous to read more into a paper, then whats written, and thats all he has, what is written, and its not written to meet this context. Those papers are reports, the rest is supposition of Marks part.

Your experience and my experience is our, hardcase, realtime, experience. Understanding the difference, means, we will never agree with them.

Mark has never checked those localities, he never sampled those localities for variation. He simply reads someone elses papers, and puts them together, as he sees fit. Which in my opinion is not very fit at all. One reason is, hes papers will never produce results, which in our world(at least, my world) means, its meaningless.

For your use Jody, We, you and I, do not use eachothers information as our own. You let me speak for myself(thank you) and I let you speak for yourself(thank me). Yet, they the academics, use all papers as their own work. Hmmmmmmmmmmm How weird is that???? Also, when one of us finds a good technique in husbandry, we incorperate to show results. If it does not show results, its thrown out. With them, they incorperate, without need for results. So it becomes very easy to see how they believe what they read, it never has to result in anything tangible. Its really not very different, but different enough. From their responces, you can clearly understand why there are differences. We have different needs then they do. Which is why I constantly ask, why do they come here to a place thats about the "KEEPING" and not the reading. Reading is fine, by the way, but it does boil down to the keeping, doesn't it? Thanks FR


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>> Next Message:  I don't understand your point, Frank - Dragoon, Wed Sep 29 16:27:43 2004

<< Previous Message:  RE: about the hobby (people) & the Scientists - JPsShadow, Wed Sep 29 09:53:11 2004