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at Tue Oct 26 21:44:05 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by stitches120 ]
Over the past few days, we have noticed that the two hind feet on our frog appear to be constantly "closed" instead of fanned (we have had her for about 2 months). There is a lot of dead white skin on the feet/toes and it appears as though he is shedding excessively and is starting to spend a lot of time at the surface. It isn't happening yet with this frog, but with our last frog (which had the same disease at roughly the same age), he stopped eating, eventually developed red spots on the back/head and died within a couple of weeks. We change the water once a week, change the filter once every two weeks and use Koizyme regularly, so I have no idea what this could be.
Any information on suggested treatment would be GREATLY appreciated.
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HELP! -- ACF with strange disease - stitches120, Tue Oct 26 21:44:05 2004