Posted by:
at Mon Dec 20 12:09:05 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by el_toro ]
I don't know how big your fish are, but if you have to put them together, make sure the frog can't eat them.
What about a big tupperware container with a lid? You could put the fish in one of those with some tank water, and the frog could have the 2-1/2 gallon to himself.
When I moved, I didn't actually put the fish in anything else - I just drained about 2/3 of the water from the tanks and loaded them into the back of the U-Haul. My largest tank is a 20 gallon. It worked ok, though I did lose a couple catfish. ----- Torey Eugene, Oregon, USA 1.1 Uromastyx Geyri (Joe and Arthur) 2.0.1 Uromastyx Dispar Maliensis (Tank, Turtle, and new neighbor Spike) 1.2 Anolis Carolinensis (Bowser, Leeloo, and Sprocket) 1.1 African Dwarf Frogs (Bruce and Sheila) 1.0 Betta Splendens (Mr. Miagi) 1.1 Felis Domesticus (Roscolux and Jenny) And several miscellaneous community fish

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- Flotation devices... - elmothefrog, Sun Dec 19 21:37:08 2004
RE: Flotation devices... - el_toro, Mon Dec 20 12:09:05 2004