Posted by:
at Fri Feb 4 20:33:57 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by caecilianman02 ]
Hi there:
After my failed quest to obtain any blind snakes, worm snakes or thread snakes, I have decided to do some more studies with caecilians. I know of someone who is locally selling Mexican caecilians (Dermophis Mexicanus). I may buy 1, or 2... or 3, but I want to make sure I am off to a great start. One thing first, there is something odd about the Dermophis that this person is selling. They are really tiny. All of the ones that I bought from them before were 7 inches or below. This setup is only until they grow larger, which the others I kept never did, even after 2 years with me.
2.5 gallon glass tank bottom layer: pea gravel, above that is something I wanted to ask about: sandy soil. I know that sand is somewhat acidic, and although some African caecilians prefer acidic substrates, what do you know about Dermophis and acidic substrates (1 part sand, 2 parts natural soil)? On top of that is sphagnum, some flat rocks to hide under, a plant and a shallow water dish. ----- DAVE
1.0 Western green toad 1.1 green treefrogs 1.0 Florida blue garter snake 0.1 Asian long-tailed grass lizard 1.0 Mediterranean gecko 1.1 Oriental fire-bellied toads 1.0 American bullfrog 0.1 Spanish ribbed newt 1.1 Eastern ribbon snakes 1.1red-cheeked mud turtles 0.1 Dubia day gecko 1.0 Sonoran gopher snake 1.1 rough green snakes 1.1 giant African black millipedes 1.0 Okeetee corn snake 0.1 Albino African clawed frog 1.0 Kenyan sand boa 0.0.1 Argentine flame-bellied toadlet 0.0.1 African bullfrog 1.0 yellow * Everglades rat snake intergrade 1.1 Western hognose snakes 0.1 fire salamander 1.0 scarlet kingsnake 0.0.1 Argentine horned frog 0.0.1 southern ringneck snake 0.0.1 night snake 0.0.3 eastern worm snakes
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