Posted by:
at Tue Feb 15 06:15:32 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by richardwells ]
Perhaps you might like to contact TAXIDERMISTS rather than taxonomists. However, I once had a collection of preserved crustaceans and found that storing them in FAA (Formaldehyde-Acetic Alcohol) worked pretty good - as did ethanol - but they were entombed in jars. They do dessicate as well and although a little on the nose for a few months, eventually make a good dry display (although the risk of damage is high). To mask the stink of rotting flesh they can be carefully coated with varnish and left to dry in the sun for a day or two, but not real good for scientific specimens. But by far the method of choice is freeze-drying (contact the experts at the Smithsonian for the technique). Another method that you might like to try is biopot clear resin encasement, but don't try it in your wife's oven, as the odour does tend to find its way into a roast dinner or two for awhile.
Richard Wells
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