Posted by:
at Sun Feb 20 17:29:46 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by 5turtles5 ]
Hi all,
Just got home from Costa Rica and the very next day, I have found 2 eggs in my redfoot pen. One egg was cracked, so no good. Since I was very jet lagged I took the other one and placed it on top of some damp wood chips and lightly covered it with a plastic cup. It is gaped, so no excess moisture is on the egg. The temp is unfortunatly around 70, as the heat light I placed beside it has gone out twice in the past 24 hrs. I'm sure it has not heated the egg up past 80F. Is the egg bad since it has been at 70F most of the last 36 hrs? It was laid on top of the bark and not buried. (My fault, as not deep enough substrate). I was not expecting eggs and do not have an incubator. I do have aquaiums, with submersible heaters and have read somewhere about how to make an incubator with the above. Can anyone help me out here with instructions using what I have on hand right now? 2 1/2 gal aquarium also 5 gallon and 10 gallons. Gravel and submersible heater.
Thanks in advance.
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Redfoot eggs - 5turtles5, Sun Feb 20 17:29:46 2005