Posted by:
at Tue Aug 21 14:04:04 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by GrotesqueBurgess ]
Why were you, a little 13 year old, handing a 17 foot snake by yourself? I believe if it is your snake, your parents are irrisponsible for letting you have it. If it belongs to your parents, then they are irrisponsible for not locking it up in a way that you couldn't get to it without them there. That's just ridiculous, and you seem to think you're so cool for having been bitten. Not cool, stupid.
Young kids should not have access to huge snakes, period. ----- ~Sara~ 5.5 ball pythons 1.0 Black-lined plated lizard (Lizzy Butt) 0.1 Burmese Python (Pixil) 2.1 Pet Rats 1.1 Dogs (Ozzie and Mandy) 0.1 Cat (Isis) 0.0.1 Synodontis Catfish (Big Spotty Fish) 0.2 Convict Cichlids
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