Posted by:
at Sun Oct 23 04:20:29 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by 7serpents ]
Nekton-Rep products have been around and in use by most breeders for decades. Yes it does enhance colors per specific formula used which is very strong vitamin & mineral mixtures. I am neutral on the ethics of using it but the results are well worth the price. My feelings are that use of it should be included along with husbandry regime of the animal you intend to buy. Bearded dragons, Leopard Geckos, Crested Geckos are but a few of the species these products are mostly used with, note there are to brands one for birds the other reptiles.
Haven't used it with any of my WC geckos but their offspring and new aquistions are receiving Nekton-Rep once a week. The vitamin/mineral supplementation works wonders on their health and behavoir also. The Nekton-E is great for reproductive purposes only.
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