Posted by:
at Fri Jul 29 12:49:12 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by dpallas ]
Found in rural yard surrounded by woods and pasture, southwest Missouri, shell 5 - 6" long, likes strawberries! I've ocassionally noticed a strawberry stem with the berry eaten off at the edge of the bed, with the bird netting pushed down as though something had walked on it. The odd thing was that all the fruit within reach wasn't nibbled or sampled like you'd expect with rodents. After I took the photos, the turtle finished the same berry and lumbered off. It has quite a long neck and was able to reach the berry in the photo easily, thought I saw a red stripe on the neck before he pulled it in. I didn't see any turtles with spots like this at the Missouri Conservation Dept's list of native turtles.
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Another request for turtle ID - dpallas, Fri Jul 29 12:49:12 2005 ![image in post](./images/image_icon.gif)