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RE: If you could only pick one or two.

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Posted by: jayf at Tue Feb 14 20:46:44 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jayf ]  

i would have to say my personal favorite is the motley. i love the way co-dominent genes work as well as the look of the animal. additionally they are still in the early stages and have not been combined with many other morphs, meaning if you do so you will make more money on them if that is the goal.
on the other hand, recessive mutations such as the t positive tend to hold their higher value much longer, and if you are willing to invest the time as well as money, they should prove to be a larger money maker.

i believe there is a large rush for certain combinations: anery t positive, albino homozygous motely, t positive homozygous motley. mainly there is a desire to produce a white boa for the most part.
there are lots of options and it all depends on your particular situation, but me personally i would love to work with the motley gene but will not have the finances for years to come so hopefully the arabesque gene will be in reach some time soon for me.

>>I was just wondering what the general opinion was on the best investment/ most beutiful boas were. I have several nice animals. Hypo's, sunglows, het sunglows, albino's, but I was thinking of getting into some of the new and possible more expensive animals. So if it were you what would you get if price wasn't an option? I really like jungles and motleys. I am also in love with T nics and the bloody salmon project. So what do you all think I should do next. Thanks for your opinions.


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<< Previous Message:  If you could only pick one or two. - InletExotics, Tue Feb 14 19:54:20 2006