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Posted by: JohnLokken at Wed Feb 15 00:35:29 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by JohnLokken ]  

I think that if you are buying animals just to "turn a profit" you could possibly be in trouble. (No judgements here either way. Just my two cents.) It is an intelligent question to ask. Don't get me wrong.

Here's my reasoning. Breeding boas can be profitable at times. I would be crazy to say that people do not make a profit on their investments. But, that is not always true. This is just me cautioning you.
1)I have friends that have paid top dollar for some outstanding morphs only to have them die. That is a real hit.
2)There is no guarentee that they will breed for you. The odds are in your favor that they will. But, things do happen. You could potentially have a female that is mature and healthy only to have a unwilling male. Or, vice versa.
3)In my humble opinion, I think the market is getting a little "flooded". This is good for the consumer. It allows for more of a selection and competitive pricing.
4)Their are "fads" that come and go in our boa world. Somedays you will see Surinams all over the forum. Other times....Albinos. So, what's hot today could not be a big seller tomorrow. A perfect example of this is the hypo boa. A few years ago the hypos were the big morph to have. There were no Ghosts, Sunglows, Hypo Jungles, etc. Everyone and their mother was buying hypos. (Including me.) I knew when I was buying mine that the babies I would be producing would be a lot less then I paid for my hypo. That was fine with me. I bought the hypo because I wanted it.

There are many more things to think about before a big purchase. My biggest advice is this. Look at all the different types of boas. Learn about them and their genetics. Find out why certain animals are considered what they are. (Pastel boas are a perfect example. I am a huge pastel lover. But, I see so many "Pastels" being sold in the classifieds that I really feel are not pastels. (Buyer beware.) Jungles are another example. Some are from the original sweedish line. Others are labelled as jungles but are not. They are just abberant animals. Alas, I digress again.
Find something that makes you passionate. Buy that animal. Try to perfect that trait or bloodline. That way, if the market "sours" or if it's not the hot thing of the month.......It really doesn't matter. You have animals that you love and are passionate about. To me, that's what's really important.
Sorry for the spelling and grammer. It's late, and I'm not going to take the time to spell check, etc.
Best of luck with whatever you choose.
"To be the best..........You must lose your mind."


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>> Next Message:  I agree! Great response!!!n/p - Psycodelic, Wed Feb 15 14:18:49 2006

<< Previous Message:  If you could only pick one or two. - InletExotics, Tue Feb 14 19:54:20 2006