Posted by:
at Thu Mar 2 00:29:15 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by bsaffron ]
Thank you very much for your inspired opinions. Perhaps I was too quick to "guarentee its not normal". Slight flaw.
I myself am a bit intrigued now with the symptoms displayed by a gravid female. Im not certain this female is gravid, because, I did ship her across the country in November (some people dont have as much success when females are shipped during breeding season) but she certainly breed well. Heres a pic of her in January.
I do not particularly make a habit of handling boas often during this time of the year but I thought she might like to stretch a little. Shes only in a smaller cage because she belongs to my buddy and thats all the room I had to accomadate her while I breed her to my male. It should only be temparay. I was planning to give her back to my buddy now that shes done breeding but I am leary to touch her now. I guess Ill just leave her be.
I think the theory of a fear of falling is very interesting. I wonder why all boas dont display that behavior. This female is only one of three that I breed for the first time this year. I havent realy tried to hold the other two recently but all seems well when I look at them. Then again, they all look fine until you touch them right!?
Heres a pic of the other two females and the orange salmon they breed (different male than the one above). The first girl is a 30lb normal breed to the orange male.
.......and my prize blood red salmon female. Both the red female and the orange male are poss het anery so I hope to see some sweet ghosts.
Thanks again for the advice. Good luck you guys with your projects. For the record....Im still an amature.
Brendan ----- And God said to Noah,"Let there be plenty of room for the serpents". --not doctrine--
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