Posted by:
at Thu Mar 2 09:45:59 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jayf ]
the snake is called a tripple het because it is a tripple het. hypo is a dominent trait but that has nothing to do with the animal being heterozygous or homozygous. heterozygous means an animal has one gene for the trait in question, and homozygous means the animal has two genes for teh trait in question. a homozygous is commonly refered to as a super. an animal with one gene for a dominent trait (or any other type of trait) is still refered to as heterozygous for that trait.
just trying to clear things up.
>>technically it's not a triple het even though the snake is referred by that name. The reason is, hypo's are a co-dominant trait. And the other two traits are simple recessive. The snake is Homozygous for one trait and double het for two recessive traits. Offspring will be as follows. 1/16 "snow glow"(hypo/anry/albino) , 9/16 hypo , 3/16 sunglow(hypo/albino), 3/16 ghost(hypo/Anerythristic). Your 9/16 hypos(appear as normal hypos) will consist of plain hypos het for nothing, hypo's het for one trait, and hypo's het for both traits(Anerythristic and albino). Out of the 9/16 group you would need breed them in order to prove them out. Remember this is just statistically speaking and you might not even have 16 babies.. so chance plays a big part
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