Posted by:
at Thu Mar 2 08:38:59 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Riobravoreptiles ]
.. I want to clarify my thoughts on the thread below. That keeper wanted advice about unusual behaviour he witnessed when moving a female boa, recently ovulating.. I observed that what they saw could very well be a fear-of-falling response from the female similar to what I have seen before.. and I suggested that moving big pregnant or ovulating Boa is not a good idea. . Several people responded with good comments (Thanks) and observations which added to the subject.. Great!.. However.. let's not get carried away here.. If you have a boa exhibiting unusual, erratic or scary behaviour in a cage or in your hands you should seriously consider the possibility you have an ill or injured Boa and not simply assume it is pregnant. . I frequently stay out of these types of discussions when I may have something to add because for every person who carefully reads my advice and guages it against their own experience and knowledge there are more people who misunderstand or employ my comments in a way they are not intended. I am very grateful for the attention but despair at the consequences! Nothing I say or write can do more than add to your own knowledge and insight gained over years observing your animals in your own care. Ok? . What's the big deal you ask? I have already gotten several mails from people wanting an armchair diagnosis of some boa they have which acts strange.. ridiculous! I'm wondering how many spastic boas will be sold at Shows in the next weeks "Oh.. this boa isn't sick! IBD?! Heck no! don't you know that is a sign it's pregnant!!" . Yes, that's funny.. but not alltogether unrealistic.. . Have a great day.
----- Gus A. Rentfro
"Quality is not an accident. Perfectly healthy animals are a minimum requirement.. everything else is just salesmanship" gus
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"Hey! My boa isn't sick, it's pregnant!" - Riobravoreptiles, Thu Mar 2 08:38:59 2006 