Posted by:
at Sat Mar 4 15:48:39 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by carl3 ]
my 2 reasons for doing the WIR: 1)TO HOPEFULLY GENERATE MORE INTEREST IN THE BOA FORUM especially for all those out there who silently lurk or rarely post. Keep in mind that thousands (YES thousands) of boa keepers out there do NOT make their hobby known OR do NOT use the internet to share photos or valuable experiences. This is particularly true when you attend a herp show and see lots of vendors that you've never heard of online. Also, most full-time breeders with large collections do not have time to read and respond to posts and therefore, novice breeders (such as myself) may lose out on valuable replies, advice, etc.
2) MY 2ND REASON IS SIMPLY TO PLAY CATCH-UP ON ALL THE HAPPENINGS WITHIN THE BOA COMMUNITY. Its exciting to see new morphs or new locales being produced and I hate when I miss something...It's like that feeling I got when I had to ask someone what an IPod or MP3 player was. LOL. Besides, I rarely have time to surf the net during the week and I get up at around 430am and I'm out like a light by 9pm due to a very active little baby keeping me busy. Therefore, I use Saturday mornings to decompress from the work week. I do this by browsing the week’s worth of content on this forum. I would end up reading all the posts anyway. Except now I cut and paste thread links and pic URLs (maybe it’s the teacher in BTW, this past week was a little light on postings. I imagine it will pick up in the next few months as we see more and more new litters being born! I strongly believe that we will see some mind-blowing new things over the next several years. Its going to be VERY exciting times for all of us boa lovers in the near future!
----- Sincerely, Jason
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