Posted by:
at Fri Apr 7 23:33:39 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by RyanHomsey ]
I just got an upgraded white balance card in the mail and thought I would illustrate it's usefulness...
Excuse the dirty newspaper by the way, I was opening her cage to clean it when I noticed she was balled up... wanted to snap some shots while I had the chance.
Okay, so whats a white balance card?
Its a uh, card, that is placed in one of the pictures to later get a reading from to calibrate the white balance in perfect tune with the lighting. The card I just got is rediculously overpriced for what it is (costs them probably two bucks to make) ... but they hand test each one with some high end calibration machine so I know its accurate.
This is the first time I have really put the card to the test in a low light situation... where white balance really tends to mess up. The end result are the most accurate low light pictures ive ever taken. Im certainly pleased.
Oh and the boa aint bad either, eh? She's 5.5ft and feeding on extra large rats.
The first pic is the camera's auto white balance .. I did not calibrate it to the card in the picture. All the other shots are calibrated... they are far more accurate to what I see in person.
----- Take Care,
-Ryan Homsey
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