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RE: What happens when... (name issue)

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Posted by: ajfreptiles at Sat Apr 8 14:44:07 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ajfreptiles ]  

Hey Greg,

My thoughts on this is that the Names MoonGlow and SnowGlow gives a distinguishing factor to the two names that everyone wants to use.
While it cannot be determined if the new MoonGlow does carry the Orangasm gene...because it is does distiguish it from the SnowGlow lines in better understanding.

People were saying they will continue to call them Snowglows anyway....while Mark who has every right to name this boa can call his MoonGlows....well now his MoonGlows will be in the Highest demand !!! Why because they may be carriers of the awesome Orangasm gene!!!

Well Done!


Posted by: Psycodelic at Sat Apr 8 14:31:53 2006

every boa that derives from a different bloodline gets a name and it turns out that that individual snake does not carry on those traits to thier offspring what are you as a breeder going to do? Say "Oh well" "Ooops!" or are you going to refund the money or what?

For instance the HOTLEYS: Now I 100% understand where the name derived and so on BUT, What happens if you breed a HOTLEY and none of the normal offspring appear as Harliquens. You can not honestly tell me that just because the mother was from a harliquen bloodline that every baby carries that trait! The father was a Motley and only a handfull of babies inherited that trait. You dont refer to all the babies a motleys do you???

Did the original Harliquen bloodline not produce PATTERNLESS offspring? And the Harliquen bloodline was credited for producing these animals no? Also true Harliquens have a distinct look that is clean and often times abberent/reduced pattern. That in turn means that something is going on with that bloodline and that not every animal that is considered harliquen just because its mother or father was a Harliquen. More breeding with that bloodline needs to be done before every animal that derives from that bloodline is considered a true Harliquen.

And the new topic of debate the MOONGLOW... I could careless what people call it, as long as it carries three key traits end of story. However when people are saying well it carries the Orangasm bloodline so it should be called a Moonglow and everything that does not come from a Orangasm blood should be a snowglow WTF? I have seen the original orangasm mother and the snakes that come from that bloodline they are jaw droppers. But explain to me how in the world could you tell if the snake mark produced carries the Orangasm gene? ITS WHITE!!!! Look at the pics clearly some of the offspring are orange and others are not!!! If I am going to buy an Orangasm I want what the name implies an orange snake.

I could go on with other topics but these are just the recent ones...

Maybe I'm wrong but I do not see how some ppl are experts on all these bloodlines when they just surfaced in the community and they have never done any breedings of these bloodlines of their own.

Don't attack me I wont reply just state your point of view

Thanks for reading

-Greg Reinert-


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>> Next Message:  Valid point, though... - ChrisGilbert, Sat Apr 8 14:52:09 2006
>> Next Message:  You said gene hmmm... - Psycodelic, Sat Apr 8 15:40:29 2006

<< Previous Message:  What happens when... (name issue) - Psycodelic, Sat Apr 8 14:31:53 2006