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RE: I totally disagree....

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Posted by: DaveyFig at Sun Apr 9 16:05:46 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DaveyFig ]  

If you have a hypo het albino, is it not a dh sunglow?
If you have a hypo het anery, is it not double het ghost?
You know what the combinations will produce, but do you have to wait until you produce sunglows and ghosts before you can call your animals double hets? You know what they will produce, but you don't know exactly what the babies will look like...the same way people knew, or thought they knew what a triple het snowglow would produce.
The genes are all there, albino, hypo , and anery.The name was in place. The only thing missing was the animal. Now it is there, and it has been proven that a triple het snowglow produces hypo anery amelanistics.
If I produce an animal tomorrow that I call a blizzard, does that mean Jermey Stone is out of luck on naming the type 2 snows blizzard?What if someone produces type 2 snows and calls them Mayonaise boas...does that mean nobody can call them blizzards even though blizzards ws adopted as the name of the unproduced morph years ago?
Davey Giltner


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>> Next Message:  It all depends really - vcaruso15, Sun Apr 9 16:26:38 2006
>> Next Message:  RE: I totally disagree - kirby, Sun Apr 9 21:46:05 2006

<< Previous Message:  I totally disagree.... - kirby, Sun Apr 9 15:22:14 2006