Posted by:
Jeremy Stone
at Mon Apr 10 19:27:26 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Jeremy Stone ]
I think they may be compatible, but untill I see a live version of a breeding of the two together, it is still up in the air. I think a breeding of Type 1 and 2 should be done to see if ALL the babies come out anery. Then there will be no doubt. That is the problem with Dead and premature offspring. Many of them look Anerythristic. (Not saying that is the case with your breeding).
Even if they do prove to be compatible, I believe that some type 2's are carrying a different trait that may knock off the yellow. That is yet to be proven, but I think it may. Time will tell us the answers.
As far as the Type 1 and 2, I think it is good to have the distinction to let people know they are working with CA's and Columbians. However, I can see a future problem with that because there have been Type 2's pop up from Nicaragua, Mexico, and Panama. So, are all those Compatible? I don't know.
The BLIZZARD Bloodline I am working with is Mexican. I also have another group of unrelated Sonoran Type 2 anerytrhistics. They were aquired from a European breeder that popped them out from 2 normal Sonorans. He has successfully done this a few times now, and they are AWESOME!!!! They are almost identical to "Black Magic" (the Sire Type 2 I used for the project). I don't know if they are even compatible with the Nics that are a lot more common. I would ASSUME they are, but again, I don't know.
I was thinking about using a DH Blizzard to a DH ghost female this year to see if the two would work, but it didn't happen. So, I guess we can wait for the future. That is what makes this soo much fun. The FUTURE.
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