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Feeding, it seems, is never routine.....

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Posted by: combs reptiles at Mon Apr 24 15:24:55 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by combs reptiles ]  

I am very sorry to hear of your loss, I know that punch in the gut feeling well.
I have been keeping and breeding for about 10 years now, to this day, when I feed i get a little wound up. I know theres always a chance something can happen.
When your sticking a rat in a cage with a 7 ft 30 # Boa thats as strong as an ox, and theres only 18-24 inches of stainless steel seperating the two of you.. it can be exciting to say the least.
When all goes well, it still freaks me out a bit to see how fast and strong these boas and balls are.
Today, was one of those days that make you go..UUGGHH!
The first boa I fed, grabs the forceps instead of the head right in front of her, so I have to wait a bit before I pull the forceps, out because I can hear it scraping teeth, so I dont want to hurt her. She eventually eased up and all went well with her. Then my biggest boa, takes her Jumbo rat butt first, and this makes me nervous, just for the fact, its sooo much easier if they eat head first, especially the big meals.
Then another high dollar boa, sinks his teeth into his side along with the rat, hes in there rolling around and acting crazy, so I sprayed him with a bit of water and her let go of himself. I then look at him a minute or two later, and he's got his head down in the water bowl, with the rat! So I pull both out, very carefully and he finshes up.
Everything thing else went fairly smooth, but it just goes to show you, no matter how many times you feed, the next time can be the one that causes problems.
Normally I just stick a rat in front of them , they eat and its done...
Wow.. im glad todays feedings are done!
Once again sorry to hear about your loss.

Best of luck


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<< Previous Message:  Kicked in the stomach. - DaveyFig, Sun Apr 23 20:39:51 2006