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at Sat Jun 3 22:07:17 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Carmichael ]
>>Or, things you learned the hard way... >>For the benefit of those who are considering getting into hots I thought this could prove to be a helpful topic to get into. Maybe we could share some of those experiences that they just don’t write about in snake books... >>Here’s my “dumbest thing I’ve ever done” >> pretty stupid; no reason for it. But, as you said, we all learn from our mistakes. I shared one of my all time gaffs on the and ; both are exceptional websites, particularly when it comes to hots.
>>The first Diamondback I ever owned I bought from a reptile dealer located just west of Clewiston here in Florida. I couldn’t wait to get it home and check it out. This was before I had ever caught one. I slid it out of its bag and onto my bed in my room. I proceeded to pin it and grab it. (that’s not the dumb part) I was not even aware of their snarl and fang pumping thing, and it promptly got both fangs snagged into my bed spread. I spent the next ten minutes trying to untangle each fang with one hand as my very first moments of handling my new EDR. By the time I got it into the cage I had prepared, I was shaking and in a sweat. Hey newbie- never pin your rattlesnake on your bed! >> ----- Rob Carmichael, Curator The Wildlife Discovery Center at Elawa Farm Lake Forest, IL
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