Posted by:
at Sun Jun 11 16:57:43 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by LarryF ]
>>They are very stout snakes, and the photo does not show much tapering toward the tail,
Hold a dead snake by the middle and whatch what happens. The organs move towards the tail which will look almost as wide as the middle, almost right up to the vent. There might only be 3 inches of snake missing formt that photo.
>>but I don't see anything that looks impossible.
I do. Holding a 15 pound snake on the end of a stick with one arm which is already partially extented (which, to me, he is CLEARLY doing) is pretty close to impossible (especially while smiling over your beer-gut). Frankly, I wouldn't be too surprised if that snake is 3 feet long.
To me it looks incredibly obvious. I can certainly understand how the average person might be inpressed if they didn't think about it, but the wildlife oficer looking at it and saying he can't tell if it's a trick just blows my mind...
Actually, after blowing up the pic and paying a little more attention, in between the snake and the stick where the long sleeve of his blue shirt should be is this light colored area that looks to me like it was (very badly) touched up to help hide the fact that his arm is stretched straight out... I could be wrong, but something doesn't look kosher to me.
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