Posted by:
at Thu Jun 15 09:44:23 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
Sorry to hear, I know you did your best. Condolenses for your loss.
I am sad to hear your last statement. It really doesn't matter about fault. You tried your hardest, that is all you can do. Further more, you cared/still care. Again, who can ask for more.
I ask you to reconsider you future. There are too few keepers who care. There are too many monitors in poor cages with people who do not care. That are already in captivity.
What you misunderstand is, I do not blame folks for keeping animals even if death is the result. I do get upset when they blame everything including the animal. Over their own responsibility. You never did that. You shouldered the responsibility. I have always admired this about you and SHvar. You both care about the individual animals.
I do get very hard on those who think, "being right"(about some stupid theory or another) is more important then the actual living breathing animal. You cared about the animal and only wanted to be right, for the animal. Your a keeper, those who need to be right for their own sake, are not keepers and should stay away from living animals or even studying them.
Please reconsider keeping monitors, monitors need you. Cheers
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