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W von Papineäu
at Wed Jun 14 13:30:38 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by W von Papineäu ]
BBC (London, UK) 14 June 06 Pet shop worker bitten by snake A pet shop worker is critically ill after he was bitten by a deadly snake as he worked in the store. Adam Ockwell, from Swindon, suffered the bite at The Reptile Zone in Filton near Bristol, on Tuesday evening. The shop's manager flagged down a passing policeman who drove Mr Ockwell to Frenchay Hospital. Mr Ockwell is understood to have been given anti-venom which was sent to Bristol from Guys and St Thomas' Hospital in London. A spokesman for the store said a worker had been bitten, but refused to confirm the snake involved was a king cobra. It is believed the man, who is in his early 20s, was feeding the highly-venomous snake when it struck out and bit him just before 1800 BST. He was later transferred to intensive care and is thought to have suffered from anaphylactic shock. Mr Ockwell is said to be in a stable but serious condition. An Avon and Somerset police spokeswoman, said: "The officer used his initiative and took the victim to hospital. According to hospital staff, this saved his life. "However, as far as we are aware, the victim is not out of danger yet. "But there is no police investigation into this incident." Paul Williams of the BBC's Natural History Unit, said: "King cobras are one of the most dangerous animals in the world. "Although they don't have the most deadly venom it is the volume of poison it can inject - up to two fluid ounces (60ml) - which is capable of killing 20-30 people. "I've also heard it can kill a full-grown elephant in less than three hours." The reptile's natural habitat is in the dense highland forests of mainland India, southern China and south-east Asia, and on average grows to 13ft (4m) in length. Pet shop worker bitten by snake
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- GBR Press: Pet shop worker bitten - W von Papineäu, Wed Jun 14 13:30:38 2006