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Type 2 Anery Ghost litter.... WEIRD...

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Posted by: Jeremy Stone at Sat Jul 15 20:00:45 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Jeremy Stone ]  


I just had something pretty unusual happen. I bred My Hypo Nic female to a PEWTER male. The Pewter is a Type 2 Anery Blood Boa. (Double Simple Recessive Trait). This is the 3rd year in a Row I bred this Nic Hypo Female. I got her as baby from Ben Siegel at the Same time I got my T positives. When I got the Hypo, there were also Type 2 anerys in the shipment of babies from Nicaragua. The one that Amanda called the "black Tail". I picked up 2 of them, and sold one of them to Pete Kahl. This year Pete produced a litter of DH blizzard, and Hypos that are also DH Blizzard this year using a Sunglow Male to the "Blacktail" Type 2. I know this is a Lot to swallow, but I'll bring it around.

Anyway, for the past 2 years I used this Hypo Female with the T positive Male to get Hypos Het T positive. This year I used her with the Pewter to get some Hypo Het Bloods that have more CA bloodline in them. Well, I got a VERY STRANGE RESULT when I looked in the cage today.

GHOSTS???? Anerys, Hypos????? This means that the Hypo Female I got was a DH GHOST. Similar to what Amanda was saying about Bryant Kings WC Ghost. What are the chances of bringing in a Hypo that is also a HET ANERY????? WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I'm really puzzled now. It appears that these were the same shipment with what Amanda called the "blacktail" type 2's. And since the Female is HET for Anery, that would only lead me to believe she is het for the "blacktailed" anery. Not the other Anery, that Amanda proved Incompatible???? So, it does appear IFFFFFF this is the case, that these are Compatible with the Type 2's from the Blood/Pewter line. And probably compatible with the Columbian Type 2 Anery. (Kirby Proved that last year).

WHAT A WEIRD CYCLE. I guess this means we do have some COMPATIBLE lines of Type 2 anery, and some Incompatible ones. I know more breedings need to be done, and I will do that next year. I do have a few of the "black Tailed Anerys" and I'm going to breed them next year together to see what happens. I don't think I have any of the other Anerys from Nic that Amanda posted, so I can't do any breedings there.

Anyway, I guess here is the first GHOST that is HET for Blood. I was literally thrilled to produce a True CA ghost. What a Shock though.

I guess this means that my Hypos that are Het T positive from the 2 previous years are also 50 percent Poss het Anery. I don't think I like that becuase I don't want to take the color OUT of the T positive. ANYWAY, This is a LOT to Ponder.

Very interesting. Any Thoughts????

Amanda, thanks for your post this week. It was very interesting. I was cetrainly shocked to see these results.

Jeremy Stone

JULY is ONE BUSY month Here. Lots of Boas!!! Balls too. ooops. Wrong forum. I have a lot more to go. Sorry for the OVER POSTING. I just thought this litter should have been posted to help us understand what is going on.


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