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RE: even if you can.....

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Posted by: joshhutto at Thu Jul 20 00:12:59 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by joshhutto ]  

Why is the snake not ready to breed if it has the propper size. Granted I'm not a boa man but mainly breed ball pythons now but have bred many species in the past from boa's to cobras and in my experience the only time when relying on age is when the females are slow growers and they need time to get to the for example 6.5 ft mark. These animals are designed to survive and procreate in the wild. If an animal is able to produce viable follicles than she is ready to breed. A female will not produce babies if her body cannot sustain them 90% of the time. I know of breeders that have bred female retics at 18 months of age and 18 ft even though in my experience all my females were over 4 yrs old and less than 18ft for the first breeding. The one thing I will say is that younger females do tend to need to be bigger before they breed and with egg laying species the risk of becoming egg bound is higher but that's it.
Josh Hutto
J&K Reptiles

2.3 het pied (RDR, alan bosch x 2, BHB x 2)
1.0 Spider Ball python (Ballroom pythons south)
1.0 Vanilla Ball Python (Gulf Coast)
0.1 High Contrast Albino (Gulf Coast)
1.1 het albino (ben siegel, Gulf Coast)
1.2 het citrus ghost(Gulf Coast line)
1.0 citrus ghost (Gulf Coast line)
1.1 graz pastel female
Alot of normal BP females (some not so normal)
2 various corns
0.1 brazilian rainbow boa (alan bosch)
1.0 american pit bull terrier
1.1 taco dogs (ankle biters)
1.0 grey cat
0.1 columbian red-tail boa

a BAD dog is MADE not bred, support the American Pit Bull Terrier as the greatest breed of dogs on Earth!!!!!


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