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Here we go (Major issue)...

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Posted by: suri63 at Fri Jul 21 09:28:52 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by suri63 ]  

OK, let me introduce myself to the forums. My names Kamil, 17 years old and from NYC. I've been constantly checking up on these forums but I just never posted...yet. So heres my issue...

About a month ago I added a new little creature to my in home zoo *lol*. A nice baby Suriname male RTB. He is about 22 inches long and I was told he's about 4 months old. This seems just about right huh? Anyways, I have him in a 20 high tank **i know i know, they grow big and need space, i know, hes moving into a custom 47"x17" enclosure soon enough** However, i siliconed glass to one of the sides of the tank so he basically has a 2nd level to go on, thats basically his "cold side". On the bottom left there is a hide , on the right is his big water bowl **that he NEVER goes in** and on the top he has another hide. He never actually goes in the hides which i find a little weird but normal i guess. He kind of scrunches himself up behind the hides, i dunno, hes weird. All i use are UTH's. he warmest side is kept constantly at around 90-93 with a slight drop at night, since i figured temps should go down at night. And the cold side *2nd level* is at around 80. Humidity was at around 80-90 at first but i quickly changed that after he started making clicking sounds. Its at around 50-60 now n hes no longer making the sounds. **********sorry for the long explanation but i knew you guys would be asking later on*******

Newho, my problem is his eating. He is captive bred n born as of what I know. When i received him he looked SLIGHTLY skinny, but def. nothing major. This was a little over a month ago. I figured he would have shed by now also but nothing yet. Okay, 3/4 days after i got him i tried feeding him and he ate like a champ * i feed him in my tub btw * i waited a week and tried feeding him again, but this time i figured i would give him live, but stunned, food rather the FT. At frst he didn't seem extremely interested but within a minute or two he attacked and took it down. 4 days later unfortunatly he regurged, maybe because temps were too low, i dont know. So i waited a few days and tried feeding him again, which i know now was a mistake but he didnt eat anyway. So, i waited about 1.5 weeks and tried feeding him....wasn't interested. a few days later tried again and he ate but very strangely. He wasnt interested but eventually just started licking it sort of and jsut opened its mouth and made me put it in. I was like wtf, none of my other snakes ever did that. He swallowed it but he was so weird that day. Like, he was trying to be gentle or something. *btw im feeding him FT mice fuzzies or rat pinks, same size* A week later i tried feeding him again with no luck. And now, as I'm writing this its been two weeks where my little boy hasn't eaten and I'm worried. I want him to eat and fatten up. What am i supposed to do? Should I be worried????
Ok, so sorry for the long post, but i know you guys are the best here and you answer quickly. Thank you ahead of time....

P.S. I've always been told that these snkes are supposed to be active but mines far from it. I named him snoozey for the fact that he always sleeps. I never see him roaming around his tank, even at night. Like I see him move from warm to cold side but thats about it. Thats his routine, warm up, cool down, warm up cool down. I never actually see him move...just when i look at his cage hes in diff positions, and like i said always around the hides not it. ANd ive only seen him perosnally drink twice, i guess he does it when im not there but still....
When i take him out at night and sometimes during the day, 2/3 times a week, hes a little curios...smelling around but eventually he just retreats back into my hands, get comfortable and falls asleep until I move again and then he starts moving.



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>> Next Message:  RE: Here we go (Major issue)... - voodoomagik, Fri Jul 21 09:52:27 2006