Posted by:
at Mon Jul 24 16:13:51 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by RuBeN14 ]
OK, say you go to a breeders house to look at some animals you might be interested in. When you get their you see two supposed females you want. You set a price give a deposit to hold the animals and make the deal. At this point the deal is set in stone and you have it in writing. Now, a few weeks later the breeder calls and says he has a little issue. One of the females is a male and now if I want the two animals i'm going to have to put in more money. The animals in question were the same price for the most part last year but he's saying males are worth 500$ more now.
At first I asked which one turned out to be a male and he say's he can't remember off hand cause he's at work. My issue is, the animals in question are very nice but one is better then the other and i'm worried the nicer of the 2 might be the male which I wouldn't mind cause it's that nice but I feel I shouldn't have to pay more after the deal was made and it was his mistake. If it's the other one I wouldn't mind as much taking a different female eventhough the other and last female isn't as nice.
My main question to you guys out their is, if the nicest one is the male do you think he should honor the original deal we had before he realized he made a mistake? Or,do you think he has grounds to change the deal now and charge me 500$ bucks more after the fact eventhough it's his error?
I know what i'd do if I was the breeder and I made the mistake but what would you guys do if you were the breeder? Or if,you were the buyer like me, what would you expect the breeder to do in a situation such as this?
Any opinions would be a great help and thanks in advance for your time.
Thanks, Ruben Michel
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